• Where do the lessons take place?

Virtually via Zoom.

• Do I need any base knowledge? I am a beginner and have no experience with Ableton.

I have students that have started from scratch, and students that are years deep in the program. If you’ve never opened up Ableton, have no fear. We’ll start with the absolute basics. Any skill level is welcome!

• Is there a standard curriculum?

That is a hard no. Every student has their sessions tailored to their specific needs. We usually spend the first lesson discussing what you already know, what you are hoping to learn, and exploring anything else I can provide for you.

• If there is no curriculum, is there homework?

That is a hard YES! This could be anything from working on a track in Ableton… to listening to a particular album… to even just cleaning your studio. Whatever it is, it’s important!

• What do you typically cover?

Anything music production-related, from beginners to experts (navigation, sound design, mixdowns, processing - all the nooks and crannies of Ableton)

Modular synthesis

DJ'ing (if applicable) 

Gear familiarity (analog + digital)

Critiquing your tracks (if applicable)

The mental approach to music-making (outside of production itself - ie good habits, health tips, mental wellness, etc.)

• So, how much does this cost?

$100 per hour (equivalent to one lesson)

• What kind of commitment do you need from a student?

There is no minimum requirement, but I highly prefer you start with one month with one hour per week (4 lessons, $400). I'm interested in working with people who are are willing to put the time in to make actual progress. Diligence is important here! Just one lesson won't make much sense for either of us.

• Will we become friends?

Biiiiig time.